
Thursday, May 24, 2012

An introduction

I suppose all blogs have to begin somewhere.  I will be honest in saying I have not read too many blogs.  I was part of a blog in the dark days before Facebook made it big, all of five years ago, when blogs were the revolutionary new way of catching up with friends.  Now, I guess Facebook may have been around a little bit longer than that, and perhaps Facebook had already entered my consciousness as the first of many annoying apps friends were trying to get me to download.  It is amazing how many people are on Facebook now, how many apps, how many folks feel it is worth our attention every time they get their toe nails clipped.  Little wonder that its potential as an advertising tool has been greatly overestimated, as indicated by the IPO....

But I digress.  This will not be that sort of blog.   I have noticed that I spend a great deal of time following politics, researching current events.  More time than I tend to spend on my dissertation, which might at least partially explain its sorry state.  I have also had difficulty simply writing the thing, and so perhaps this blog will help bring me toward writing again.

After spending a great deal of time talking to Justin, it seemed logical to begin a blog with him in which we could discuss a wide range of things, though largely focused on our primary interests of history, politics, and theology.  There will be discussion, but there will also be a great deal of ranting about the cognitive dissonance and intellectual dishonesty of the right wing, much of which would be hysterical were it not connected to real political power.  If you are one who drinks the Limbaughjuice, a) ew. b) you have received fair warning.  For those who might be wondering about the title.  All I can say is that obviously, you are not a golfer.

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